Metropolitan Museum, American Wing
As part of Soho Photo Gallery's continuing celebration of its 50th anniversary, an exhibition, Picturing New York, is on view now through September 11. The show, which has images from both current and former members, fills the entire gallery. This photograph, taken at the Met Museum in 2018, is one of my two prints that were selected for the show.
I sometimes wonder how I can transition so easily between photographing the natural world and the built environment, like this scene at the Met. It certainly helps that I feel comfortable in both milieus, but I suspect there is more to it. One of the things I like about photography is that it can give me insight into myself. Why did I make a certain photograph? What is it about a scene I like that resonates with me? I believe that there are themes that I respond to which transcend the setting or environment I am in — shadow and light, the passage of time, quiet spaces, beauty in ordinary but often overlooked objects, etc.
But all of this analysis usually takes place after I click the shutter. At the time of making the exposure I simply may feel there is something here worth capturing.